That was fast! A whole Establishment turns on a dime! Quicker than a tuxedo-lad chorus line in a 1930s Busby Berkley musical, a whole nation of Democratic leaders have totally about-faced on Covid mandates. Let’s see now..
From Politico: “Democrats are making a U-turn on mask mandates, just in time for the midterms.
It’s happening among the party’s governors, several of whom are easing up their masking rules as Covid’s Omicron wave fades. And it’s happening on the Hill, where Democrats are suddenly lining up to call for rollbacks of the nation’s most noticeable pandemic-era rule.”
Calling for an end to indoor mask mandates: CO,PA, RI, NM, DE, NJ. Gavin Newsome feeling heat has pivoted in CA. OR, Connecticut, and NY are dropping the dictate. In VA, Youngkin won the Governor’s race partly on this issue, dropped the mask.
NY and IL ending indoor mandates for adults, but still in force for school kids.
Even tough, authoritarian Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is easing off the mandate. Unpopular, under fire for senior deaths in Covid-compromised nursing home, and up for re-election this fall, Whitmer’s evidently decided to switch the Big Boot for the Dancing shoe.
In my own Oakland County, Executive David Coulter swears that there never was a school mask mandate—just an Advisory. Well, whatever it is, he’s ending it.
Gee! All together and at the same time! What coincidence! But it’s okay, they’re all following the science, right?
Actually, no. Omicron is still widespread, infections are still high. President Biden was cautious “I think it’s probably premature but it’s a tough call.”
So why the party-wide U Turn? Very, very simple. As they’ve said for hyena, the Dems are following the science: the science of polling. https://nypost.com/2022/02/10/bidens-approval-rating-drops-below-40-for-first-time/
Congress isn’t doing much better: https://www.scribd.com/document/558262784/New-FDRLST-Susquehanna-Polls-Shows-GOP-6-Ahead-Of-2022-Mid-Terms-Topline-Results
So what’s the Dem exit strategy from this quagmire? Simple: declare victory and bug out. Then change the subject. The afore-mentioned Michigan Governor Whitmer is already posing as Lady Bountiful, tossing handfuls of cash from the state cornucopia, like Evita Peron or Oprah with cars. “A billion to you, and a billion to you. And yes, you! Over there! A billion to you!”
Don’t ask about the lockdowns, the closed businesses, the dead in nursing homes.
Will it work? I dunno. There’s a whole bunch of truckers who would have been happy with that last week. But that was last week, and as we see, things can change very, very fast.
UPDATE! Ontario just announced it will end mask mandates March 1. KEEP ON TRUCKIN’.